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Henbbo screenshot
  • Lifetime: 543 days
  • Monitored: 520 days
Our Rating
  • Our Investment: $300.00
  • Payout Ratio: 568%
  • Options: Support E-mail Support Form Telegram: https://t.me/henbbosupport SSL DDOS
  • GOOD 634
  • BAD 3
  • Min/Max: $15 / $500000
  • Referral: 5-2-0.5-0.1
  • Withdrawal: Manual
  • ISP HYIPLogs.com

PerfectMoney Payeer AdvCash Bitcoin LiteCoin Ethereum BitcoinCash Dash Doge Tether Ripple Tron BNB usdc

Investment Plan:

1.65% daily for 14 working days

О НАШЕЙ КОМПАНИИ: Холдинг Henbbo ventures основал в 2014 году выпускник Йельского университета и имеющий к тому моменту опыт работы в таких корпорациях, как JP Morgan и Bank of America, мистер Simon Russel, являющийся техническим директором холдинга (CTO). В том же году прозорливость Simon Russel была ярко подтверждена и доказана тем фактом, что им было принято решение о покупке биткоинов на крупную сумму по минимальной цене, после чего этот цифровой актив стал показывать огромную скорость роста стоимости, формируя начальный капиталоборот холдинга. В 2017 году Henbbo ventures инициировал новое бизнес-направление, которое актуально для нас и сегодня, - инвестирование в перспективные стартапы на начальном этапе их формирования с использованием механизма ICO, который со временем трансформировался в наиболее прогрессивную систему IDO и сделал возможным для нас, таким образом, ранний доступ к инновациям с высоким потенциалом будущей стабильной прибыли. Кроме этого, данные виды бизнес-активности в максимально возможной степени защищены от возможных рисков, поскольку, используя смарт-контракт, Launchpad-площадки инициируют airdrop-опцию, главной особенностью которой является тот факт, что таким образом гарантируется исключение рисков мошенничества и вложенные деньги можно вернуть в случае, если стартап по каким-либо причинам не реализовался в той мере, которую заявлял.
Very Good
Jan 10th, 2023 20:50:22
Платит. Hyipclub.club Пополнение баланса + 5 USD Выполнена Платежная система ePayCore E042141 Номер транзакции 1289432 Комментарий Invoice #111836
Very Good
Jan 10th, 2023 16:44:52
Project is paying very good returns on a daily basis and proving to a beneficial one :) Payment Batch - Funds have been credited to your balance Transaction ID: 1310710 Date of transaction: 09.01.2023 13:37 Amount: 5 USD Note: Invoice #112099, heatstre
Very Good
Jan 9th, 2023 16:00:03
Payment from henbbo Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 5108711 Date of transaction: 9.1.2023 6:10 Amount: 5 USD Note: Invoice #66518
Very Good
Jan 9th, 2023 15:58:22
Funds have been credited to your balance. $70 has been successfully sent to your Tether TRC20 account . Transaction batch is . Hash: 5637372uo00wkwiwjw8LW001kshie8
Very Good
Jan 9th, 2023 15:56:32
Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 5198729 Date of transaction: 9.1.2023 12:20 Amount: 14 USD Note: Invoice #59858
Very Good
Jan 9th, 2023 15:54:11
Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 8754906 Date of transaction: 9.1.2023 1:51 Amount: 10 USD Note: Invoice #49809
Very Good
Jan 4th, 2023 18:09:21
Paying very good returns on my investments I have been earning here since quite some time and its a good opportunity :) Payment Batch - Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 1294056 Date of transaction: 03.01.2023 14:00 Amount: 10 U
Very Good
Jan 4th, 2023 08:32:28
Выплата Hyipclub.club f161fe7f134bd86c9c5110af4770e5cf3fe9a13fee8948cbebe5e2361907e594 Ltc +0.1
Very Good
Jan 2nd, 2023 15:01:41
I received another set of withdrawals paid from here This program is still strong and a promising new year :) Payment Batch - Funds have been credited to your balance Transaction ID: 1272747 Date of transaction: 24.12.2022 19:08 Amount: 10 USD Note: In
Very Good
Dec 29th, 2022 10:55:37
Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 5750329 Date of transaction: 29.12.2022 1:20 Amount: 6.3 USD Note: Invoice #56408
Very Good
Dec 29th, 2022 10:54:47
Funds have been credited to your balance. $25 has been successfully sent to your Tether TRC20 account . Transaction batch is . Hash: 5yfdrt55478754477yt77754288yy7ur59oo9
Very Good
Dec 29th, 2022 10:53:57
Payment from henbbo Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 5709851 Date of transaction: 29.12.2022 4:10 Amount: 56 USD Note: Invoice #67638
Very Good
Dec 29th, 2022 10:53:14
Funds have been credited to your balance.  Transaction ID: 5676091 ​​Date of transaction: 29/12/2022 2:21 Amount: 12 USD Note: Invoice #67596
Very Good
Dec 27th, 2022 06:27:01
Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 3105760 Date of transaction: 27.12.2022 12:51 Amount: 10 USD Note: Invoice #46640
Very Good
Dec 27th, 2022 06:25:52
Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 5418649 Date of transaction: 27.12.2022 1:21 Amount: 19.4 USD Note: Invoice #55409
Very Good
Dec 27th, 2022 06:24:55
Funds have been credited to your balance. $75 has been successfully sent to your Tether TRC20 account . Transaction batch is . Hash: 6yet9kbvcxasyiojgw57Onkjiugdawruooofj6gga
Very Good
Dec 27th, 2022 06:23:40
Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 5228798 Date of transaction: 27.12.2022 5:10 Amount: 5.8 USD Note: Invoice #68409
Very Good
Dec 27th, 2022 06:22:24
Funds have been credited to your balance.  Transaction ID: 5650611 ​​Date of transaction: 27/12/2022 2:21 Amount: 4 USD Note: Invoice #61066
Very Good
Dec 24th, 2022 14:03:04
Paying very good returns on investments since a long time and still strong :) I am a happy investor here Payment Batch - Funds have been credited to your balance Transaction ID: 1264537 Date of transaction: 21.12.2022 14:15 Amount: 10 USD Note: Invoice
Very Good
Dec 24th, 2022 11:49:51
Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 5630948 Date of transaction: 24.12.2022 4:10 Amount: 9.1 USD Note: Invoice #65639
Very Good
Dec 24th, 2022 11:48:31
Funds have been credited to your balance. $47 has been successfully sent to your Tether TRC20 account . Transaction batch is . Hash: y6yfss78ihXzsahhjmn77rssn9jvcnlpphhff6jjhnl
Very Good
Dec 24th, 2022 11:47:29
Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 2538750 Date of transaction: 24.12.2022 10:28 Amount: 17 USD Note: Invoice #51649
Very Good
Dec 24th, 2022 11:46:35
Always fast payment Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 3117709 Date of transaction: 24.12.2022 1:51 Amount: 12 USD Note: Invoice #46392
Very Good
Dec 20th, 2022 18:20:27
I was paid again from this super amazing mid term project Made sure to reinvest from account balance to earn more 1% as a bonus Profits are great as well :) Payment Batch - Funds have been credited to your balance Transaction ID: 1252262 Date of transa
Very Good
Dec 20th, 2022 10:54:31
Paying well

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